Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sales Techniques for Inbound Calls

Inbound call sales is defined as customers contacting call centers for customer service or catalogue (paper and online) sales. The goal during an inbound call is to make an add-on sale. By deploying specific techniques, inbound call sales representatives can increase their conversion rate.


Everyone knows what it is like to get interrogated by a sales representative. Instead of using this approach, make the call seem more like a conversation. For example, make a statement such as "My name is Rich" in front of "What is your name?"

Lead the Conversation

Just because you are answering a call does not mean that the customer has to lead the conversation. Develop a process to guide a caller through a conversation. A sample process would include:

  • Greeting
  • Method of engagement
  • Develop a need for product
  • Present the solution
  • Close the sale by reinforcing the buying decision

By putting a practice such as this in place, it is much easier to guide individuals through to your solution.


You have received a lead for business. Make certain to be courteous by listening, saying please and thank you, and being receptive to the problems they are presenting. 

Close the Deal

By making your product or service fit their problem, you are well on your way to closing the deal. Using your closing techniques, present the price and ask for a payment. A good way to ask for payment:

"Will that be Visa or Mastercard?"

Make certain to avoid phrases such as "Before I let you go." This makes the leads assume that you are attempting to sell. This will put them on the defensive (and makes it difficult to close the sale).

Fallback Offers

After the initial offer is rejected, have a second offer in mind. The fallback offer is almost always less expensive than the first offer. By presenting a fallback offer, customers may be thinking "I am getting a better deal." This means that you have a better chance at closing the sale.

Rich Hessler
Rich Hessler Solar Marketing 

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