Monday, January 18, 2010



Michigan governor signs solar bill to retrofit Detroit rooftops with photovoltaic solar panels to meet 20% carbon emissions reductions by 2020.

After a year and a half of depressing news, Detroit was ready for this. The governor signed a bill that willl place solar panels on roofs of detroit buildings costing as little as $6,000. This bill has two purposes.

  1. Reduce carbon emissions by 20% by 2020
  2. Create jobs for one of the hardest hit states

The estimated growth of the state economy from the measure: $25 billion. The governor has budgeted $25 million for solar rebates. Much of this money will be used by DTE Energy, the local electricity company. It will pay residents to install photovoltaics on their roofs to stay complient with government standards of increasing the use of renewable energy.

Currently, the rebate pays $2,400 /KW installed. This is in addition to the 30% tax credit. These rebates can reduce the initial investmet of a solar system to $6,000.

Initially, renewable energy costs much more than fossil-fuel based energy. The only difference - the energy to create electricity is free with renewables, reducing the lifetime cost of the system. With a city that has been hit so hard with the rise of fuel costs, it's time to create an electricity grid that does not rely on fuel.

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