Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Finding a Job - Surviving the Interview

Follow these tips for when job hunting to find a great job and survive the interview.

Job Hunting
Finding a job is just like being a salesman. Eventually, every job hunter will need to convince someone that you can:

  1. make them money
  2. save them money
  3. improve the quality of their life

Every job hunter must prove one of these points factually. If you can, then you will obtain the job. With this in mind before starting a job hunt, you need to find jobs that utilize past, proven performance and point your interviews to sell this aspect of yourself.


The Interview
Always remember that the manager is thinking, "What's in it for me?" The goal of the interview is to answer this question. In order to make this happen, the job hunter must stay in control of the interview. You need to guide the interview to show that you are THE solution to the company's problem.


Career Transition
If you want to change careers, you need to effectively prove how you succeeded in the previous career and how that success applies to your new career choice. This will take additional time on your part. You will need to research the new field and take courses to obtain new skills.


What About Those with No Skills/Experience
You might have to work for free for a while. You need to prove to employers that you can make them money. An employer who hires someone with no working experience is going off good faith that the individual will perform up to expectations.


What to Avoid
Avoid tossing resumes out to employers and saying hire me. You need to market yourself as a solution to what the organization is trying to achieve with you.

Finding a Job - Surviving the Interview

Rich Hessler
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(949) 208-0221

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