Thursday, November 5, 2009

Solar Tower Technology - Generating Electricity from Air

Leading financial services and investment banking released an Energy Industry Brief. The brief identifies three major large-stale solar energy technologies: photovoltaic, solar-thermal electricity production, and the new solar tower technology.

As a result of the report, investors are exploring the possibility of investing in solar towers. Headed by Raymond James, who has a strong technology and renewable-energy focus, has the capability to construct multiple solar towers.

Solar Tower is a new, innovative solar powered station. Developed in Australia, where water is a huge problem, the tower generates electricity through heating air. The heated air is driven through turbines to generate electricity. The huge advantage of the technology: it can create affordable electricity without water or carbon emissions.
Solar Tower Technology

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Solar Jobs in Minnesota

Solar LED Innovations is hiring solar sales professionals. Profesionals are required to run trade shows around Minneapolis. Professionals sell photovoltaic solar flashlights. The flashlights charge under any light and store energy in batteries. When light is required, electricity is drawn from teh batteries.

Currently, the company employs 7 individuals, but would like to employ more to cover the nation. The flashlights are created and assembled in the United States, so you can be certain that they are of the highest quality. Solar jobs.
Solar Jobs in Minnesota

Rich Hessler
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New PV Solar Storage Solution

The key to home-generated photovoltaic solar energy is finally here. Solar systems major downfall is that they only produce electricity during the day. To power through the night, homeowners either need wind or energy storage. Storage systems are the way of the future to provide electricity at night when there is no breeze and during peak loads (such as turning on hair dryers and multiple appliances in the morning). Integral energy storage systems seem to be the way to move to individual power plants.

Currently, batteries are the only way to store electricity. But batteries are expensive and require constant use and maintanence. Storing energy in splitting water and combusting it at night required little maintanence and provides a renewable means to store electricity.

Liquid fuels store 100 times more electricity that batteries, so it seems that the best way to store electricity is in a liquid fuel.
New Solar Storage Idea

Rich Hessler
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United States Moving to Personal Electricity Production through Photovoltaic Solar Systems

Accoding to an internation solar energy expert, the world is moving towards personal electricity production. The new discoveries, many of which focus on renewable solar energy production, will shift electricity generation away from central plants to homes and communities.

Daniel Nocera describes the long-awaited cheap production of solar electricity and storage to power homes and transportation such as electric vehicles. These new methods will eliminate the loss of electricity through transportation (powerlines are inefficient and lose as much as 50% of the electricity they carry), reducing our demand for electricity and hence fossil fuels. In addition, this will help our environment through reduced CO2 emissions.

Nocera also claims that global electricity demand will continue to increase. It is expected to triple by 2100. This is thanks to the increasing standards and population of the world. To keep up with demand, we will begin to see the deployment of photovoltaic - especially in third world countries. Through energy production and storage at home, no intrastructure is required to deliver electricity, vastly reducing its cost.

Scientists have found the best way to store energy - use excess electricity generated from photovoltaics during the day to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. At night, combust the hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity.

Through photovoltaics, wind, and electricity storage in water, we can supply the energy the world demands in a clean, sustainable manner.
Personal Electricity Production through Photovoltaic Solar Systems

Rich Hessler
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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Career Redirection to Solar

Many Americans are discovering the hard way: you have to work to get into an industry. As many older industries are drying up, Americans are looking to follow the green revolution with a green career. Unfortunately, the renewable field is very new and few have experience. In order to land a "green" job, many adults are taking solar courses.

Through taking solar courses, professionals are learning new skills and how old skills apply to the solar industry. This provides individuals with the experience, knowledge, and certifications to help move renewable energy forward.

Part of the training is being funded by the federal government through the "Workforce Investment Act". This is a fund that is distributed by the states to individuals wishing to retrain to get into a new industry and revitalize the American economy.

Upon completion, professionals must create a new network to get themselves known. This requires attending local and state-wide events to meet the key player in the industry, becoming connected to local solar businesses, and creating personal marketing through either a website or getting oneself out in public.

All of this requires time and most do not have the funds to support themselves during the transition. This is why many are taking any available position. Just remember, the tempory position is only temporary.
Career Transition to Solar

Rich Hessler
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Monday, November 2, 2009

India Funding Photovoltaic Solar Projects

New Delhi based NDPL wants to put photovoltaic solar panels on residential rooftops. NDPL wants to generate 100 MW of renewable solar electricity. The issue is the cost and cost recovery period. Currently, no rebates are available, so it takes 20-25 years for the photovoltaic solar panels to pay for themselves (without considering rising energy costs).

NDPL wants to the federal government to pay for 40-50% of the solar installation, bringing the costs repaying-period down to 10-12 years.

Currently, the government cannot afford to loan the amount of money required, leaving out many homeowners, but sufficient individuals stepped forward to purchase photovoltaics. NDPL is working on creating the infrastructure required to support the solar installations. This process can take up to 1-2 years.

Currently, NDPL has two photovoltaic plants, 4 kW in its office and a 15 kW system at the solar training center. It is hoping to install more photovoltaic to meet increasing electricity demands.
India Funding Photovoltaic Solar Projects

Rich Hessler
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Xi'an PV Solar Research Station

Applied Materials held a ceremony celebrating the photovoltaic solar research center in Xi'an. The new photovoltaic solar center will research ways to improve production, development, desplay, and efficiency of thin film photovoltaic solar panels and crystal pv solar panels. The center will also provide solar training for each of the categories to prepare the workforce to produce quality photovoltaic solar panels.

This photovoltaic research center will be one of the largest in the world. It is the first of its kind in China. In addition to research, the solar center will test reliability of solar panels and complete teh production lines for thin-film solar panels. The center represents China's ambition to be a key player in the world photovoltaic market.
Xi'an PV Solar Research Station


Rich Hessler
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Nanoprinting Photovoltaic Solar Panels

Group of Dallas researchers discovered that they can nanoprint photovoltaic solar panel plastic sheets on electricity-hungry devices including cell phones, computers, MP3 players, wireless remotes, and other wireless devices.

Using a $330,000 grant, researchers are developing flexible, nanoprinted panels and are working hard to improve the efficiency and decreasing the cost of producing the panels. Using lithography to pring nano-devices, researchers have been able to decrease the cost.

Research has found that using thermal printing, a solar cell can be implemented on a material. In addition, the material's properties can also be changed to increase the efficiency of the photovoltiac panel. Continuing research will determine how a material's surface and geometry, conditions, and surface effects are related. This will give researchers the understanding they need to produce better panels to improve the efficiency and stability of solar cells.
Nanoprinting Photovoltaic Solar Panels

Rich Hessler
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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Solar Training Courses

To move into the photovoltaic industry, each professional has the task of discovering his/her individual fit. Just like any other industry, photovoltaics requries sales, distribution, marketing, research, design, installation, management, accounting, and customer service. Management, distribution, accounting, and customer service are similar to other industries, but new skills and tactics are required for research, design, installation, marketing, and sales. Each require education and research.

Organizations are currently providing training to get professionals into solar. Courses include photovoltaic fundamentals, photovoltaic technician, solar sales training courses, photovoltaic installation, and photovoltaic design. For one of the transition jobs (accounting, management, or distribution), knowledge of photovoltaics is extremely helpful in obtaining a position. For the other positions, training is essential to move into the industry. The most numberable jobs in the industry are the education-required positions: research, design, sales, and installation.

Research requires at least a bachelor's degree in a physics or chemistry related field for the low-level photovoltaic research positions. Higher level research requires advanced masters and doctorate degrees (plus experience). Installation and design require certification. One type of nationally-recognized certification is the NABCEP certification. This level is recognized by all 50 states and is required in many areas to perform a photovoltaic installation. Sales requires an in depth knowledge of the industry, an overview of the products, understanding of how photovoltaics work, the available rebates and financing (which vary from city to city), pricing, financing, system implementation and design. Hundreds of hours are required to bring together all the information to perform a solar sale, so a course is recommended to deliver/explain the most important information to make a sale. After all, the sale is the most important part of the whole process. Without a sale, none of the other positions exist.

Solar training is designed to help professionals quickly adapt their skills for photovoltaics and begin growing the industry. The photovoltaic industry in the next big bubble to come, especially with energy levels on the rise and consumer aware of the environmental cost of carbon-based energy. By moving to renewables such as photovoltaics, we are helping to make the earth a better place for generations to come.
Solar Training Courses

Rich Hessler
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