To move into the photovoltaic industry, each professional has the task of discovering his/her individual fit. Just like any other industry, photovoltaics requries sales, distribution, marketing, research, design, installation, management, accounting, and customer service. Management, distribution, accounting, and customer service are similar to other industries, but new skills and tactics are required for research, design, installation, marketing, and sales. Each require education and research.
Organizations are currently providing training to get professionals into solar. Courses include photovoltaic fundamentals, photovoltaic technician,
solar sales training courses, photovoltaic installation, and photovoltaic design. For one of the transition jobs (accounting, management, or distribution), knowledge of photovoltaics is extremely helpful in obtaining a position. For the other positions, training is essential to move into the industry. The most numberable jobs in the industry are the education-required positions: research, design, sales, and installation.
Research requires at least a bachelor's degree in a physics or chemistry related field for the low-level photovoltaic research positions. Higher level research requires advanced masters and doctorate degrees (plus experience). Installation and design require certification. One type of nationally-recognized certification is the NABCEP certification. This level is recognized by all 50 states and is required in many areas to perform a photovoltaic installation. Sales requires an in depth knowledge of the industry, an overview of the products, understanding of how photovoltaics work, the available rebates and financing (which vary from city to city), pricing, financing, system implementation and design. Hundreds of hours are required to bring together all the information to perform a solar sale, so a course is recommended to deliver/explain the most important information to make a sale. After all, the sale is the most important part of the whole process. Without a sale, none of the other positions exist.
Solar training is designed to help professionals quickly adapt their skills for photovoltaics and begin growing the industry. The photovoltaic industry in the next big bubble to come, especially with energy levels on the rise and consumer aware of the environmental cost of carbon-based energy. By moving to renewables such as photovoltaics, we are helping to make the earth a better place for generations to come.
Solar Training Courses
Rich Hessler
Solar Training
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